Once again we would like to thank you for awarding us the WORLD RALLY 2024 organiser’s certificate, what were the decisive factors that made you choose 500 KM SLOVENSKÝCH?
Actually it is the FIVA Events Commission that decides to make an event a premium event, by recognixzing and certifying it as a FIVA World Rally. But I believe the concept of the Rally convinced them from the very beginnning. One example: never before in a FIVA World Rally cars were transported by train alltogether for such a long distance, the hundreds of kilometers between Bratislava and Kosice. That was a brilliant idea, first because this saved enormous time and effort, second because it made that the participants already had fun with each other before the rally had started.
The FIVA federation unites the whole vintage vehicles world, how would you describe in a few sentences for our fans its functioning and activities?
Our activities are very varied, but with our 3 P’s I easily can explain it. Protection is one of our main purposes. This means, lobbyng for the cause of historic vehicle enthusiasts, mainly in Brussels, as that is the source of the endless flow of EU regulations related to mobility including environmental measures. We monitor and react, helped by professional lobbyists. The P of Preservation is translated in our FIVA ID Card, and Yountimer Registration Document. Such a „FIVA passport“ certifies the motoring heritage status of the vehicle.Organizing and supporting FIVA World Rallies and other events is how we implement our Promotional task, but there is much more.